What cryptocurrencies can I trade on LtechNG?
LtechNG supports the trading of various cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Binance Coin (BNB), Tether (USDT), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), Dash (DASH), Ethereum (ETH), and TRON (TRX) for now. We are working to get more assets on the platform.
How does Ltechng.co ensure account security?
Ltechng.co prioritizes account security through multiple layers of protection. Accounts require a password to log in, ensuring only authorized users access their accounts. Furthermore, transactions are safeguarded by a Transaction PIN, adding an extra layer of security. Additionally, users are required to set up 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) for added protection against unauthorized access.
How do I set my transaction PIN?
Login into your dashboard and navigate to Account Settings. Swipe down to Account security and click on Reset PIN. Input your account password and your 6-digit Transaction PIN and click on update PIN.
How do I set up my Virtual dollar or naira card?
On your dashboard, move down to LtechNG Trade on the side Nav Bar and click on Virtual card. Select Card type, enter BVN and your 6-digit transaction PIN and click on proceed.
How long does it take to get airtime/data when I purchase on your site?
Our systems are fully automated to make every transaction instant with server uptime 24/7.